Kehilat Rodef Religious School is selling Passover candy as a fund raising project. For those who do not eat candy there is also a catalog of gift items. All profits will go to the Edith Prostkoff Scholarship fund. Orders must be turned in by February 26. Items usually arrive about 2 weeks before Passover. Pre-school families can place their orders in the pre-school office. All monies raised from those orders will given directly to the pre-school.
Use School code: 703024
>>>2015 Miss Chocolate Timeless Treasures
>>>Order Form
Congregation Rodef Shalom
450 South Kearney Street
Denver, Colorado 80224
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Voice: (303) 399-0035
Fax: (303) 399-7623
Office Hours:
Mon - Thurs 9 am - 4 pm;
Friday 9 am - Noon