
Yom Rivii, 14 Tishri 5785

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All of our post-Bnai Mitzvah students are encouraged to continue their studies at the Community High School. Rabbi Gerson routinely teaches Rodef Shalom students during the Spring Semester of the tenth-grade year. The curriculum for this study includes a spiritual inventory, examinations of major world religions, and a survey of the ideology of Conservative Judaism. Confirmation Class students are afforded the opportunity to travel to New York City with the Rabbi for a Jewish heritage tour.


High school aged students have many options for Shabbat; participating regularly in leading services, reading Torah, or chanting a Haftorah. They may also apply to become a teacher's aide for Shabbat at Kehilat Rodef and help younger children learn. Additionally, they may participate as a member of the congregation. USY (high schoolers) also have a special Shabbat where they take over the leadership and participation for a Shabbat morning service.


Between their junior and senior year, students have the chance to be part of the USY Israel Pilgrimage. Our teenagers can also avail themselves of the Israel Study Tour, which is offered through The Community High School of Jewish Studies.


Shabbat Times

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