
Yom Rivii, 14 Tishri 5785

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Torah crownsOur main weekly service begins at 9:30 a.m. It is recited primarily in Hebrew, with the inclusion of English readings and prayers, the Rabbi's sermon, and sometimes discussions presented by other members and scholars. We are a Conservative egalitarian synagogue and read Torah on a triennial cycle. Men and women share service participation. Members are encouraged to read Torah, chant Haftarah, and/or lead the Preliminary, Shacharit and/or Musaf services. Members are encouraged to participate in a way that is comfortable for them.

A variety of other opportunities are available for service attendees in addition to leading a service, such as opening the Aron Hakodesh (The Holy Ark), carrying the Torah, or witnessing the Torah recitation. Our Cantor is present to lead the Shacharit and Musaf on at least two Shabbat mornings per month. If you would like to participate in a Shabbat service, please contact Rabbi Gerson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Shabbat Times

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