
Yom Rivii, 14 Tishri 5785

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Rodef Shalom Annual Event

Mazel Tov!  Todah Rabah!  Thank you! 
Our sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who worked to make this year's Annual Event such a resounding success!  Many thanks, also, to those who attended, supported, and promoted our fundraising effort to benefit Rodef Shalom. It appears that everyone had a wonderful time - including our youngest members - and that we, indeed, did make money!
HUGE thanks to our many committee members and volunteers, headed up by Carrie Goldman, Barbara Robbins and Roni Ogin.  Others integral to our success include:
Sherrie Davidson, Wendy Handler, Della Levy, Maya Mintzer, Roni Ogin, Heather Oginsky, Elaine Tinter, Leslie Tjarks, Barbara Zimmerman, Judy Banjavic, Mimi Barnard, Rabbi Sandra Cohen, Allison Donner, Bonnie Merenstein, Sue Schor, Barbara Raizen, Marsha Steirn, Arlene Weissmann and Marlene Richter.
Many thanks to our amazing staff: Claire Easton, Debbie Kaner, Connie Suson, Mark Millenson, J.R. Hurtaldo, Rebecca Vicksman, James McKeon, and Dawn Spector, as well as our supportive Board of Directors, led by Marty Zimmerman.
And, last but certainly not least, our gratitude to our honorees: Howard Feingold, Mira Zevin & Kim Grant, and Bethany & Joel Friedlander.
Be sure to click HERE for photo memories of our successful event! Photo(s) by:

>60th Anniversary Photos


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