Rodef Shalom is proud to partner with the City of Denver and the Denver Rescue Mission in The Family and Senior Homeless Initiative (FSHI). a unique permanent housing and self-sufficiency program that provides homeless families and seniors with short-term financial assistance, case management, and mentors from the faith community as they transition into permanent housing. In as little as two to three weeks, a homeless family or senior is placed into permanent housing with financial assistance and is given the support structure that will help them maintain their housing; plus they are given case management and a mentor team to come alongside the families and seniors to encourage them, to help them work towards their stated goals, and to teach them financial management skills. Since the inception of the program, FSHI has placed 1,000 families or seniors into permanent housing. For further information or to join the next mentoring team, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Congregation Rodef Shalom
450 South Kearney Street
Denver, Colorado 80224
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Voice: (303) 399-0035
Fax: (303) 399-7623
Office Hours:
Mon - Thurs 9 am - 4 pm;
Friday 9 am - Noon