
Yom Rivii, 14 Tishri 5785

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DAGALIM: Social Action
         The Dagalim: Social Action Umbrella of Rodef Shalom


Congregation Rodef Shalom builds deep relationships among their own members and with other institutions across lines of faith, class, and race. Through building relationships, we identify deeply and broadly held concerns of injustice and then bring their collective power to successful action to transform their communities. Working with local community organizing groups in Colorado.

In keeping with our congregation's name as "pursuers of peace,"
we are dedicated to an agenda of social action that aims to
contribute to tikkun olam (the repair of the world).

We maintain a modest yet hearty agenda of projects that we
have or are currently serving the wider world:

Listening from Within: A Rodfei Tzedek Listening Campaign

Habitat for Humanity Interfaith Alliance

Chesed Committee

Ongoing Collection for the Weinberg Food Pantry of Jewish Family Service

Family and Senior Homeless Initiative 

School Supply Drive


 If you wish to be involved in any of the above efforts, please contact the project lead... 

Shabbat Times

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