
Yom Rivii, 14 Tishri 5785

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Do we offer babysitting on Shabbat during services?

We offer babysitting on Shabbat for children birth through 5 years.

Can I keep my child with me in services?

As long as they are not disruptive to those around them, especially during the times that someone is speaking. We have a cry room adjacent to the sanctuary if needed.

If I am unable to pay full dues, is there something I can do to help out the synagogue?

There are some volunteer opportunities to consider.

If I enroll my child in Preschool, do I get a discount on the tuition?

We offer a discount to our members.

Is the synagogue handicap accessible?

The synagogue, including the sanctuary and bimah are handicap accessible.

Does the Cantor participate in life cycle events, like weddings, baby namings and funerals?

Depending upon his availability, the Cantor does both assist the Rabbi and participate on his own in the full variety of Jewish life cycle events.

Does the Cantor lead services every Shabbat?

No, Cantor Saul is part time with our congregation. He is on our pulpit 2-3 times per month and for all the major holidays and festivals.

How can I be sure the Cantor will be available for my child's Bar (Bat) Mitzvah?

Cantor Saul tries to be available for all of the B'nai Mitzot. It is good to be in touch with him as soon as you know the date to check availability.

Shabbat Times

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