
Yom Shlishi, 13 Tishri 5785

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rabbi gerson 2010

Rabbi Bernard R. Gerson has served as the Spiritual Leader of Rodef Shalom since 1993.  He was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and holds a BA in Judaic Studies from Brandeis University. Raised as a Conservative Jew from birth, Rabbi Gerson is committed to maintaining the unique role that our movement plays in American Jewish life.  In addition to his synagogue work, Rabbi Gerson teaches Bible and Talmud at Denver Jewish Day School.

Rabbi Gerson's favorite rabbinic role is that of teaching. Whether in the classroom or behind the pulpit, he aims to educate and facilitate congregants' access to their precious heritage and lively traditions. He is inspired by his wife, Sue an educator, and their children, Elliot and Jennie.   

Rabbi Gerson is actively involved with our youth throughout their elementary, middle school, and high school years, and has particular interest in working with adults who are in pursuit of conversion to the Jewish faith.

 Adult education has been another pursuit of our Rabbi.  He facilitates an Adult Talmud class on Sunday mornings and his original confab known as Tanakh & Tabloids on Thursday mornings. He also hosts a monthly End of Shabbat Shmooze that enables the community to come together in discussion about contemporary issues.

Rabbi Gerson models the mitzvah of serving the wider community through his activism in issues of social justice, both as a board member of Colorado Interfaith Power & Light and as a faith leader within the community organizing work of Together Colorado.   He is a past president of the Rocky Mountain Rabbinical Council.

An avid sports fan, Rabbi Gerson devotes much of his free time to working out in the gym and watching baseball games at his "downtown office" in Coors Field.

Please feel welcome to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , read his blogs, The Radical Traditionalist and Gerson's Gleanings, or follow him on Facebook.

From Prayers to Devotions (Rosh Hashanah 5777)

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Shabbat Times

Yom Shlishi, 13 Tishri 5785

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