Our Mission
Congregation Rodef Shalom, a participatory and egalitarian conservative synagogue, envisions itself as an extended Jewish Mishpucha (family) caring for all its members. Our sages teach us that Judaism is sustained by three things, by Torah (study), by Avodah (worship), and by Gimilut Chasedeem (acts of loving kindness). The Rodef Shalom family follows this teaching by serving the spiritual, educational, and social needs of its members and by so doing promotes the highest ideals of Conservative Judaism.
Culture Statement
Rodef Shalom has a culture of Engagement, Friendship and Support for our collective Jewish journey.
Congregation Rodef Shalom
450 South Kearney Street
Denver, Colorado 80224
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Voice: (303) 399-0035
Fax: (303) 399-7623
Office Hours:
Mon - Thurs 9 am - 4 pm;
Friday 9 am - Noon