Enews: July 20 - 26 |
Youth & Family
Religious School registration is now open for the 2017 - 2018 school year.
Click HERE for registration forms
Click HERE to learn more about Passport to Jewish Learning
Young Families Kabbalat Shabbat in the Park
Friday, July 21, 5:00 p.m. Garland Park, 6300 E Mississippi Ave, Denver, CO 80224
Join us for our monthly potluck program on Friday evenings through the summertime, which will include festive Shabbat singing, schmoozing, and fun! Contact Dawn Spector.
Sisterhood Supports Jewish Family Service
Please help us send low-income children back to school with the essentials they need to succeed! JFS hopes to distribute backpacks full of school supplies to as many as 140 elementary school students who receive summer lunches through their Lunchbox Express program at several locations in early August. You can help by donating these supplies:
* Backpacks (17" or 18") * Crayons (24-pack) * Pencils (12-pack) * Markers (8-pack, washable) * Composition Notebooks (wide-ruled) * Spiral Notebooks (70-page, wide-ruled) * Folders (two-pocket) * Scissors (safety or small pointed) Please bring donations to Rodef Shalom by July 30. A Sisterhood yellow bin will be located in the coat room. No time to shop? The cost of a backpack and the supplies listed above is $24.49. Make a check out to Jewish Family Service and leave it in the office to the attention of Elaine Stepner.
Share your Simchas, Milestones and Achievements with your Rodef Shalom Family!
Will you be celebrating an anniversary of your Bar or Bat Mitzvah this year? What about an anniversary ending in a "5" or "10"? Will someone in your family earn a degree, have a baby or mark any other important milestones this year? Why not consider allowing your Rodef Shalom family to share in your joy by sponsoring a Kiddush on Shabbat? Full or partial sponsorships are available. You might even consider an Aliyah on that morning! Our congregation prides itself on being like an extended family and families celebrate together! For more information, or to put a date on the calendar, please contact Michele Campbell at 303-399-0035 or
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. Mazel Tov!
Sunday Minyan Update
Please note that during the summer months our Sunday Morning Minyan will take place contingent upon the assurance of a quorum by noon on Friday of the previous week. If you are planning to attend on a Sunday morning to say Kaddish, please notify Rabbi Gerson and he will inform you about the status of that date. If you would like to be a part of the "on call" list for making a minyan on Sunday morning, you are welcome to contact the Rabbi, as well!
Celebrate the Anniversary of Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Have you ever thought about "reprising" your Bar/Bat Mitzvah Haftarah at Rodef Shalom at Shabbat services? Openings are available through August 2017 for adults and teenagers alike. Several members have already taken advantage of this opportunity.
If you would like to experience this wonderful way to re-live your Jewish "adulthood", please contact Allan Kantrowitz at
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or at (720) 216-0994. Thanks and Mazel Tov!
The Rodef Shalom Chesed Team
Our team is looking for more members who can help provide support for an individual or family post-surgery; maybe it's bringing a meal or helping with a ride or childcare, providing meals to a family with a newborn, helping with shiva set-up or shopping, and more. The Chesed team is coordinated by Judy Fishman, Sandy Bornstein, Fran Cohen, Maya Mintzer and Meredith Levy. Please contact Judy, Fran or Meredith if you would like to join.
Giving Opportunities
Rodef Shalom has two new funds to direct your donations:
Did you know you can really help Rodef Shalom by shopping as you normally do? Just go to:smile.amazon.com and choose Congregation Rodef Shalom as your preferred charity. Then, each time you shop, just go to that site and you will donate .5% of your purchase to Rodef Shalom! Easy, peasy! Thank you!
King Soopers Cards are a wonderful way to support Rodef Shalom! Here is how it works: 1. Pick up your card - with $5 already on it - from the Rodef office during business hours or let us know to send one to you. 2. When you are ready to check out, tell the check-out person that you want to add money to your card before they start ringing up your groceries. There is no need to go to the courtesy counter to add money to your card. If you use a credit card, there is no credit card fee and you get the points. You can also add money to your card after your groceries have been rung up. 3. Use your card to pay whenever you checkout. 4. Rodef Shalom receives 5% of the amount you put on your card!
Memorialize a loved one and support Congregation Rodef Shalom. Have a bronze memorial plaque engraved with their name and the date of their death. The light by the plaque is illuminated for the week of their yahrzeit. Cost: $500. Engrave a leaf for the Tree of Life in the Sanctuary. Cost: $180.
In the Community
Habitat Happenings
Habitat Interfaith Alliance (HIA) is excited to announce the new build site for homes in the metro Denver area, Sheridan Square. It currently has 12-15 buildings and the address for the home we are building is 3782 S. Knox Court, Denver, CO 80236. Our volunteer build for the 2017 HIA house began on April 8 and continues through August 5. Hours for the build are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You may sign up to build online on our website, www.hiadenver.org. Click on "Volunteer " and "signup." For more information, please contact Leslie Tjarks (303-220-0189) or Janet Smith (303-755-4333).
Colorado Mini Grants
Hazon in Colorado will be awarding $25,000 to individuals and organizations who want to make our community healthier and more sustainable. These mini-grants inspire and grow a range of programs and initiatives in the Denver/Boulder area that use Jewish Outdoor, Food, Farming & Environmental Education (JOFEE). Click HERE for more information. The application deadline is 5:00 p.m. Monday, July 31.
Jewish Family Service's Lunchbox Express Providing Free Summer Lunches to Low-Income Children at 17 Locations
Lunchbox Express, a program of Jewish Family Service of Colorado (JFS), provides free summer lunches through the USDA's Summer Food Service Program. Lunchbox Express is a simple mobile food delivery system that brings nutritious lunches to low-income children via mini school buses. The program targets residential areas with a high percentage of children who typically receive free or reduced-fee lunches at school during the school year. Volunteers play a vital role in the Lunchbox Express program and the agency is seeking volunteers to deliver the meals from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., through August 18. Click HERE for Lunchbox Express route information. Volunteers can commit to a single shift or a weekly or daily shift. For more information about volunteering, contact Christine Gillow, Volunteer Services manager, at 720.248.4599 or
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Jewish Family Service Offers Refugee Assistance Projects
Bereavement Support Group
Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m., through July 26, Jewish Family Service, 3201 South Tamarac Drive, Denver
Rafael Spiritual Healing Services, a program of Jewish Family Service Mental Health Specialists and the Jewish Community Chaplaincy, is offering a bereavement group for people who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Participants are asked to make a commitment to attend all eight sessions. The cost is $100. Arrangements can be made for those unable to pay. For more information or to register, contact Arleen Gershen at 720.248.4598 or
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Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 30 W. Dale St. Colorado Springs, 80903
"Every Day Extraordinary, From Rembrandt to Warhol" will continue through Sept. 16, 7 days a week from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Free of charge! There may be special events added to their calendar that could limit your access, so please call 719-477-4310 before making the trip. Intro to Judaism Class Starts September 7
Temple Sinai, 3509 S. Glencoe St., Denver, 80237
Intro to Judaism is a 28 week class with a flexible attendance policy. It's the first exciting step on your Jewish journey. If you are already Jewish and want to learn more, if you are marrying into a Jewish family or if you are planning on converting to Judaism, then this class is ideal for you. Click HERE for more information.
Congregation Rodef Shalom
450 South Kearney Street
Denver, Colorado 80224
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Voice: (303) 399-0035
Fax: (303) 399-7623
Office Hours:
Mon - Thurs 9 am - 4 pm;
Friday 9 am - Noon