
Yom Rivii, 14 Tishri 5785

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A community study forum led by Rabbi Gerson in the Rodef Shalom Library. Sessions are divided into two, half-hour components: Reading and discussion of a chapter of the Tanakh (Bible) in English, and discussion of timely and relevant news stories. No charge and no reservations are required.



RodefShalom 4485_135ADULT B'NAI MITZVAH

Classes returning soon. The course is based on a United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism curriculum and culminates with the entire class leading a Shabbat service. There is no charge to participate other than a negligible charge for copying costs.



rabbis talmud study for webRABBI'S TALMUD STUDY

A light breakfast is served before an hour long, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m., study session facilitated by Rabbi Gerson. Blessings are said prior to studying, and the goal each week is to complete a mishnah or commentary. Discussions include topics arising from the Talmud such as the framework behind Halacha or Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, customs and history. Casses are Sundays, in the Library.

Talmud Class Celebrates with a Siyyum, December, 2015



book club for webBOOK CLUB

Our Rodef Shalom Book Club retruning soon.
will be reading "The Time Keeper" by Mitch Albom, for its fall book selection. Please contact Paul Bogan or the office at (303) 399-0035 for host location. There is no charge, but please let Paul Bogan or the office know if you plan to attend. See weekly eNews for location.


Shma salonSH'MA SALON

Sh'ma Salon is an opportunity for us to read and discuss Sh'ma, which presents issues of contemporary Jewish thought. Some of the topics covered in past issues include American Jewish Loyalties, Leadership, Kiddushin, A Jewish Lens on Trafficking, the Jewish Table, Mystery and Awe, and Jewish Bodies. 

Congregation Rodef Shalom will again be offering Sh'ma Salon on five Saturdays, beginning right after the Torah service. The next scheduled date is June 8. Paul Bogan and Mike Weinberg will be heading up the group and facilitating the sessions. Watch your weekly e-mails and the Shofar to learn which issue will be discussed at each session, or to share your interest in participating, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Sh'ma newsletter is available on-line or through the mail. Go to and click on Subscriptions to sign up. If you want to give it a try before subscribing to 10 issues, the synagogue office will have a copy available if you call before the scheduled session.

Shabbat Times

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