
Yom Rivii, 14 Tishri 5785

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Beth El youth programs
are fun and exciting!

  • 2nd, 3rd grades 
  • 4th, 5th, 6th grades
  • 7th-12th grades
  • Confirmation
  • Summer Activities

Second and Third Grades

Second and third graders participate in our group which meets once a month during the school year for fun events such as Coldstone tours and ice cream making, laser tag and holiday events. Machar -niks begin associating Jewish life and friends with fun.

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades

Move up in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade to meeting once a month for events such as bowling, Chanukah parties, Community Day, and Weekend Fun at Camp Ranch in the woods. It is a wonderful way to develop strong Jewish friendships and connections to the Jewish community. Through joint chapter and regional events, everyone becomes aware of a larger Jewish world while learning how to become a part of it.


Seventh Grade and Up

We're on Facebook! - "friend"  US!

Grades 7-12 have a wide range of programs and opportunities through our Congregarion. Our chapter is run by a board of officers who plan events such as

  • Bi-monthly lounge evenings for hanging out and making friends
  • Weekend programs of all types such as indoor rock climbing and ice skating.
  • Inter-chapter events such as Into the Night, an all-night adventure
  • Community service projects and fundraising for tikkun olam
  • Day trip excursions such as to mountains and  Islands
  • Shabbat led entirely by members of Congregation
  • Weekends at other synagogues within Our Region
  • Leadership training program
  • Opportunities to meet Jewish teens outside of our Congregation.
  • Trips to Israel, New York and other European cities, as well as summer programs.


10th graders are invited to participate in our Confirmation program which involves Torah, Avodah and G’milut Chasadim. Confirmants study with our Rabbi monthly, mentor younger children and participate in community service projects together. The year concludes with a trip to New York City or Los Angeles and a Confirmation ceremony. Click here for Confirmation calendar.


Our  program allows teens in grades 9-12 to gain leadership experience and skills working with children one-on-one, in a classroom setting, and with special school projects as an aid in the Torah School. Teens make a commitment for the year and are matched up with a particular class to assist the teacher in class projects and day-to-day activities.

 USY Kinnus 2008


Receive discounts for events & kinnusim (weekends) by bringing new participants to our events! Never been to a kinnus before?
Ask about the first-timers scholarship!


Event information also available through flyer mailings, e-mail updates, and the monthly Kolenu.

Youth Director Lana  555-555-1234 x345 or  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Shabbat Times

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