
Yom Rivii, 14 Tishri 5785

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January 15 - January 21, 2015

Shabbat Sneak Peak
Click here for more...

"Sneak Peak" the Torah Portion, Candle Lighting Times and special celebrations planned for this Shabbat Morning. 


January 17, 2015 - 26 Tevet 5775 
Light Candles: 4:43pm Shabbat Ends: 5:44pm
Torah / Annual Cycle: Exodus 6:2 - 9:35 

Torah / Triennial Year 2: Exodus 7:8 - 8:15

 Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25 - 29:21 

Soup and More Soup!
"Soup's On" was a great success, but we still have more soup! Many delicious varieties are still available. If you were unable to purchase soup during the promotion THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! 
Contact Mark Millenson at 720 839-7383.
Rodef Shalom Yoga Class

Thursday Evenings,  6:00 PM, Social Hall

Come try it out and let your stress melt away!
Click here for more information.
Rodef Shalom Book Club

Please join us for a discussion of "An Island Called Home"  by Ruth Behar on Thursday evening, January 22nd at the home of Marilyn and Paul Bogan.  We will begin at 7:30 pm.  There is no charge.  Please let the office know of your intention to attend.  Home address:  771 S. Oneida Street  Denver Colorado 80224. 

Thursday, January 22, 7:30 PM, Open to All,  Call for more information: (303) 399-0035.

Friday & Saturday, January 30 - 31, Rodef Shalom

Experience a musical/magical Shabbat Shira weekend and Synagogue 2000 reunion, January 30-31, with our guest scholar and music educator, Merri Arian. Join Merri, Cantor Saul and Shir Rodef for Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6:15 and enjoy all your favorite melodies and a few new ones Merri is bringing with her. Following services we will join together for Shabbat dinner ($36 for adults; $20 for children - reservations required). On Saturday morning Merri will share some insights about the role of music in prayer during our Shabbat services beginning at 9:30 a.m.  We'll mark the end of Shabbat with a free Margarita Happy Hour and Havdalah and a lively Kumsitz (Jewish Hootenany), all beginning at 6 p.m. For Shabbat dinner reservations and babysitting reservations contact Brenda at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   or 303-399-0035. 

Click here for more details.

Special thanks to the sponsors of this event: Dr. Richard and Helene Martin, Cantor Saul and Debbie Rosenthal, Andrew and Laurie Brock, Sheila and Bob Hyatt, Spero & Company Consultants. LLC, Allan Kantrowitz and Judy Aster, Dr. Jeff and Rabbi Birdie Becker, Benson & Case, LLP Attorneys at Law, David and Laura Cher, Candy Figa, Rabbi Sara and Michael Gilbert, Audrey and Donald Gilden, Debbie Ginsburg, Jeff and Della Levy, Larry Englander and Leslie Moldauer, Ruth Malman and Michael Opatowski, Stuart and Robin Pack, Rabbi Sandy and Ben Cohen, Ray Merenstein and Ilana Steinberg, Steve and Barbara Zimmerman, Mark Abzug and Mary Fabrikant.

Tu B'Shevat Seder

Sunday, February 8, Rodef Shalom


Please join us as we celebrate the New Year of the Trees with a festive and delicious seder while enjoying the fruits of the tree. Among other things, the seder is a great way to appreciate the bounty that we so often take for granted, and to develop a good and generous eye for the world around us. Open to young and old alike.  Come enjoy the many wonderful and varied tastes of Tu B'Shevat! $8.00 per person, payable to Rodef Shalom. 

Presented by Rodef Shalom and Rodef Shalom Sisterhood, in cooperation with the Jewish Disabilities Network, LEA Hadassah and the Denver Chapter of Hadassah. 

Advance reservations no later than Monday, February 2, 2015. Call 303-399-0035.
Get Involved
Help Rodef Shalom get it's game on. We need 6-8 volunteers for our weekly Sunday Bingo session. Contact Gayle Bush or to sign up, click here.

Gift Shop 

Please take time to visit our Gift Shop. Barbara Raizen and Barbara Robbins devote much time and care to bring you unique gifts for all your gift giving needs. Proceeds go to the shul.


King Soopers Cards 

Remember to use your card as it is connected to Rodef Shalom. Each time you use it, the synagogue benefits in the amount of 5% of the total. You can use it to buy King Soopers gas, prescriptions and groceries (gift cards excluded).  Be sure to use it at least once every 30 days to keep it connected to Rodef Shalom. 

Bricks, Plaques and Leaves

Memorialize a loved one and support Congregation Rodef Shalom.

  • Engrave a brick at the entrance to Rodef.  Cost:  $360  
  • Have a bronze memorial plaque engraved with their name and the date of their death. The light by the plaque is illuminated for the week of their yahrzeit.  Cost:  $500  
  • Engrave a leaf for the Tree of Life in the Sanctuary. Cost: $180

When you join, a percentage of your online purchases at over 1400 stores is donated to Rodef Shalom... at absolutely no cost to you!  Stores include,  BestBuy, Bed Bath & Beyond, just name a few. Donations range from 5-20%!  You'll always see how much Rodef Shalom will receive from your purchase.

Member to Member

Isabella Rachel Bush will become a Bat Mitzvah on January 17, 2015 at Congregation Rodef Shalom.  Isabella is the daughter of Phil and Debi Bush of Denver and sister to Daniel and Aaron Bush. Grandparents are Joann Bush of Denver, CO and Sandy Bush (of blessed memory); Nancy Rosenthal (of blessed memory) and Gary and Marian Rosenthal of Dallas, TX. 

Isabella is a 7th grader at the Denver Jewish Day School. She is on the middle school teams for volleyball and basketball and is a student ambassador.  She is a long-time camper at the JCC Ranch Camp. Isabella's mitzvah project is There With Care in which she has been involved the past two years. Family and friends from California, Texas, Washington, DC, Oregon, Missouri, Georgia, and Florida will share this simcha with Isabella.


Memorial Service for Alvin Rudy

Sunday, January 25 at 2:00PM, Rodef Shalom Sanctuary  

Annual Silent Auction 

 Rodef Shalom's annual silent auction will be held this year on March 1st, during the Purim Carnival and Shpiel.  There will also be an online auction running February 12th-March 1st.  Gayle Bush is once again managing these auctions this year and is asking for 8 people who can canvas a particular geographic neighborhood to ask restaurants and business owners to make donations.  Individuals may also help by just asking your dry cleaners, hair stylist, massage therapist or a restaurant you frequent for a gift certificate. Your help would be very much appreciated.  Pleasecontact Gayle Bush or call at 303-420-2778.

Hearing Assistive Devices

Rodef Shalom now has hearing assistive devices available to congregants.  They are located in a small 3 drawer unit on the far right of the glass shelf to the right of the sanctuary doors in the lobby.  For more information, contact the office.



Events outside of Rodef Shalom are listed for your information and are not necessarily endorsed by Rodef Shalom. 

Good and Welfare

Mazel Tov to...

on his retirement from his law practice. on his retirement from his medical practice.


Community Events

AIPAC cordially Invites You To...

Winning Hearts and Minds:
Making the Progressive Case for Israel
Featuring Einat Wilf, Adjunct Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Former Member of the Knesset

Thursday, January 15, 2015, Program Begins at 6:30 PM, Temple Emanuel, 51 Grape Street, Denver

Space is limited, RSVP is required: For online reservations and donations
Questions? Call (720) 897-4945 or email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Hazon Colorado 2015 Scholarship Opportunities
Hazon offers scholarships to people from the Denver and Boulder areas for multi-day Hazon events happening around the country and in Israel. Get inspired by national programs and like-minded leaders!

Click here for more information. 

 Click here to find out more about "USY Youth Trips to Israel".


New & Improved Intro to Judaism 

Starts January 15, 2015, Temple Emanuel 

Click here  for more information.
How to Be a Friend to a Friend Who's Sick
Sunday, January 25, 1:30 PM, B'nai Havurah
 Click here for more information.

'They Threw Our Bones into the Sea':  

Opportunism and Collaboration in Nazi Occupied Greece

A lecture with Visiting Holocaust Scholar, Devin E. Naar

Monday, January 26, 7 PM, University of Colorado, Boulder, Old Main Theater
Free and Open to the Public
Click here for more information.


Annual Soup Cookoff and Dinner

Saturday, January 31, 2015, 6:00 PM, Christ King Catholic Church
Click here for more information.


Jewish Baby University Events
Click here for listing.


 PJ Library

FREE Children's books for Jewish children ages 6 months to 5 years old!  PJ Library is now available to families in Colorado to receive one FREE book per month!  The first books are scheduled to be mailed in July.  Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!    


Radio Chavura 

Radio Chavura on 990 KRKS AM features a diverse range of guests that includes authors, artists, students, and congregational leaders. This multi-generational show will make you laugh, cry, and reminisce.  Listen each Sunday evening at 6:30 PM -


Shabbat Times

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Rodef Shalom Credit Card Policies